“I am motivated to read books especially psychological and self-help topics even though I have dyslexia and I have to read very slowly. I feel dizzy if I read too fast but I think it’s better that I try and read a book, compared to others who can read but do not want to read books. People should read more books. People think they will become mature as they get older but that’s not true – they will only become old. We think that we’re going to be mature but humans will only be mature if we are diligent in studying, and reading books is is one of the ways to be mature. Just cause you’re old doesn’t mean you’re mature. I once read in this book that says all of us people live to eat, drink and have fun – if you are not reading a book, that’s fine and you can live. But in truth you cannot live if you are not reading a book, because you’re spiritually dead. What makes us different from animals, for example, is that we can learn, think – and read”.
Photostory by Mushamir Mustafa
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(This post was first published on May 18th 2016)