‘I’m proud of my Indian heritage and besides that I always change my fashion. I usually wear really tight pants, like no balls breathing. And loose clothes too. I love piercings, and my ultimate goal was to do it on my nose, it’s really cool! When I was young my mom was telling my cousin why a lot of Indians have a lot of piercings…and apparently it’s to tame one’s own soul. It’s like this Indian thing. They believe that the more you pierce the more you clear your soul, and it’s related with Thaipusam. And I’m very ‘psycho’ also so I need some taming! And I am proud that I am empowering ‘Macha-ness!’
– Humans of Kuala Lumpur — with Warwhorelian A Warwhorelian.
Photostory by Mushamir Mustafa
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(This post was first published on April 15th 2016)