In Digi Yellow Heart Campaign, Humans of KL

I had problems with my hearing since primary school. When I was younger, I could hear a bit. But as I got older, I started to lose my hearing. I went to see the doctor, went for several appointments, and underwent an operation. The doctor then gave me this hearing aid to help me with my hearing.

I’ve only recently started wearing this hearing aid. It was difficult to hear what others who were standing far away were saying when I didn’t wear my hearing aid. Without this hearing aid, I wouldn’t really be able to hear at all.

Last year I had no friends because I just entered school. This year I finally have some friends. And after some time, ‘ada orang faham hati saya’ (there are people who understand me), and I finally have friends. And when I am sad, they do come and help me. 

When I first started coming to this school, I then learned about what bullies are. When you are around such an environment, you start to learn how to be on your own and focus on building your future for yourself. But I am grateful that I do have a few friends from my previous school and in this current school. My friends are those who really understand me. We like to play football and badminton when we can.

When friends tease you, you’ll be okay with it. But if others tease you, some people will feel angry, right? When I used to be teased, I acted as though I didn’t hear it, I just kept quiet. I don’t like to be teased. Although I do feel hurt, I choose to be patient. It’s better if we could be patient.

Bahasa Malaysia

Sejak dari sekolah rendah, saya memang ada masalah pendengaran. Semasa saya kecil, saya boleh dengar sikit-sikit. Semasa saya besar, kurang dengar. Saya pergi jumpa doktor, pergi untuk beberapa appointment, membuat operasi. Akhirnya, doktor memberi cadangan untuk memakai alat ini yang membantu saya mendengar.

Saya baru-baru saja mula memakai alat ini. Ia memang susah mendengar orang lain bercakap dari jauh jika saya tak memakai alat ini. Semasa saya tanpa alat ini, saya tak berapa dengar.

Semasa saya bermula belajar di sekolah ini, saya memahami apa itu buli. Dalam keadaan seperti ini, saya mula belajar sendiri dan membina masa hadapan untuk diri sendiri. Tetapi saya bersyukur saya ada beberapa kawan di sekolah lain dan juga di sekolah ini. Kawan-kawan saya adalah orang yang memahami hati saya. Kami suka bermain bola sepak dan badminton.

Saya belum tahu cita-cita saya, tetapi sekarang saya suka acara lontar peluru. Mungkin boleh menjadi seorang olahragawan? 

BIla kawan saya mengejek, saya okay saja. Bila orang lain mengejek, ada orang akan marah kan? Dulu semasa saya diejek, saya buat saya tak dengar, diam saja. Walaupun saya akan merasa sakit hati sikit, saya bersabar saja. Lebih baik kami bersabar.

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