“Fluffy is used to riding with me on my motorcycle wherever I go – without needing any safety equipment. He started riding on my shoulder 3 years ago. I can just put him on top of my shoulder and he’ll be very relaxed and still. I always bring him when I ride back to my kampung (KL – Johor, KL-Ipoh/Taiping).
Fluffy has never fallen down, nor has he jumped.
Now I work as a despatch, so wherever I go, he follows too.
We plan to do a motorcycle trip together over land in Indonesia. We plan to ride across Sabah and Sarawak into Indonesia. 8,000km, 30 days.
When people see us together on the motorcycle people will always say he will fall down. If you say he’s gonna fall down, that becomes a prayer. So let’s wish for his safety instead.
Fluffy ni senang nak bawa berjalan, dia tak banyak ragam. Bila penat, dia akan terus tidur je, dia tak akan kacau orang di sekeliling dia.
Fluffy dah biasa naik motor dengan saya, tanpa perlu alat keselamatan. Dia mula naik motor atas bahu saya 3 tahun lalu. Saya boleh letak je dia atas bahu dan dia akan duduk diam-diam dan relax. Saya selalu bawa dia balik kampung (KL- Johor, KL-Ipoh/Taiping)
Fluffy tak pernah jatuh atau lompat.
Sekarang saya kerja despatch, jadi dia akan ikut saya pergi mana-mana.
Kami pelan nak pergi trip motosikal bersama-sama di Indonesia, mula dari Sabah dan Sarawak. 8000kms, 30 hari.
Bila orang tengok kami bersama di atas motosikal, mereka mesti kata Fluffy akan jatuh. Tapi kalau awak kata dia akan jatuh, itu macam doa. Jadi lebih baik kita doakan keselamatan dia.
– H̶u̶m̶a̶n̶s̶ Cats of Kuala Lumpur
Photostory by Mushamir Mustafa
Edited and translated by Amalina Davis
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(This post was first published on May 6th 2018)