“From the International School of Kuala Lumpur, who after 14 years, is retiring back to the States, for having taught all of us the magic of Photography.
It was with him that we learnt the art, and the more philosophical aspects of Photography, on how to use film cameras and DSLRs, in the darkroom with his album of John Mayer playing in the background, where we developed our films and photographic prints – by hand!
To Mr. Ubl, I hope you know that the mark of a great teacher is one who inspires, motivates, and opens up minds to the endless possibilities of which one can achieve.
And Humans of Kuala Lumpur is a testament of your teachings to this student.
All of us will miss your stories, humor, the lively atmosphere, and your critiques of our photos! We’ve always felt welcome into your class and as a place to hang out after school, with your warm and funny personality.
Thank you as well for your life advices to many of us who came seeking, and how you are able to look at any deplorable situation and turn it into an uplifting one. And thank you for opening up my mind to the wonders of Philosophy, showing me the ability to think beyond what is seen, and to always question our assumptions.
I hope you know that we’ll always be taking kick-ass photos as we try and capture that ‘Decisive Moment’, and I personally, aspire to be as great as a photographer as you following your dedicated and creative approach to life.
And above all, we will never forget your advice for taking great portraits:
‘The best portraits are the ones that captures the subject’s soul.’
All the best in your life, and I hope we will cross paths again Mr. Ubl!”
– Mushamir Mustafa, Class of 2010
Photostory by Mushamir Mustafa
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(This post was first published on June 6th 2018)