“I’ve been doing music for 14 years and I feel that I’m just beginning. Success doesn’t come overnight – it comes through a lot of hard work and patience. There was a time in my life when I only had around RM 28 in my bank account, eating economy rice, with no jobs coming in, and it felt like my music wasn’t going anywhere.
As I had only just quit my full-time job at the time, I had no steady income and I had to rely on freelance jobs – sometimes you don’t get paid on time or sometimes the jobs are little. It was a struggle, but I think it was necessary.
Sometimes things like this happen to make you question yourself, “how much do I really want this?.” If an obstacle like that is enough to make you give up, then it’s probably a sign you weren’t meant to do it in the first place.
To be a full-time singer, you have to hustle really hard. Although music is my main thing, I needed to work many side jobs to sustain myself.
I actually have 5 part-time jobs. I do social media for a music museum in Penang (Penang House of Music). I write part-time for a watch magazine. I do editorial work for a hair salon. I teach vocalists part-time at a university.
And I also manage a sketchbook artist. I’m very grateful for each of my jobs, as these allow me to still pursue my main passion.
I really was lucky I have such supportive parents. Because when I decided to quit my job and pursue music full-time, they didn’t do the typical Asian parent thing where “har, cannot find money lah how?”.
They didn’t say that to me. The only thing they asked me was, “is this the right thing for you spiritually?.”
I knew at the time it was. It was about mastering my fear and choosing to do something based on love instead of fear.
Things of real value and achievements don’t just happen. So I think if you really love something, go for it! And if you need to have a full-time job while you pursue your passion on the side, do that!”
Check out and follow Bihzhu on Spotify!
– Humans of Kuala Lumpur
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