In Culture, Humans of KL, Lifestyle
When I was 6 months old, I had a cataract in my eye. During that time, I would always bump into objects. This caused my grandmother to also worry and ask why I kept knocking into objects. I went to see a doctor and I underwent a standard cataract surgery. I am able to see now, but I do wear glasses as I am near-sighted.
I was misunderstood and picked on before. When I was 5 years old, I studied in a normal kindergarten. This was where I was picked on. The teacher was the one who picked on me at the time, she would scold me a lot. As I was unable to see clearly, I was unable to read properly and I was scolded for that. The truth was she actually knew I was unable to see, but she forced me to read anyways. After that experience, I changed schools. I’m thankful I did, as I now have a lot of friends in my current school. I have not gotten picked on since that incident in kindergarten.
My hobby is travelling. If I have the money and resources, I hope to visit the Maldives. Within Malaysia, I have visited Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Johor, and Penang. I enjoy visiting places near the seaside. Other than travelling, I enjoy riding my bike around.
In school, I enjoy studying Science, BM, English, and Art. When I was studying in my previous school, I used to dance. Genres of dance I would do are Indian dances or Hollywood dances. But I’ve not danced in a long time and I’m not dancing now, so my body is no longer used to it. I do play the sport Goalball. Participants compete in teams of three, and try to throw a ball that has bells embedded in it into the opponents’ goal.
My ambition is to be a kindergarten teacher in Early Childhood Education. In God’s will, I can become a teacher back in my hometown, where I come from. I want to become a teacher because I do enjoy being around kids. I am very close to my family, more so to my mother. During the Hari Raya holidays, I would help my mom in making cakes and pastries. I can cook soup, ayam masak merah, and ikan singgang.
I hope the people reading my story will remember to be kind to one another and not bully each other. Bullying will only cause pain and heartache to other people.
Waktu saya berumur 6 bulan, saya ada cataract dalam mata saya. Waktu itu saya selalu melanggar objek. Ini sampai nenek saya pun bertanya kenapa. Keluarga saya membawa saya ke doktor, dan saya dah buat operation. Sekarang saya boelh lihat, tetapi saya masih mesti pakai cermin mata kerana mata saya rabun jauh.
Waktu saya umur 5 tahun, saya belajar di sekolah tadika normal. Tetapi saya kena buli kat situ. Cikgu yang marah saya. Kerana saya tak nampak, so semasa baca buku tak jelas so dia marah. Sebenarnya dia tahu mata saya tak nampak, tetapi dia paksa say baca buku itu. Selepas itu, saya tukar ke sekolah lain. Saya bersyukur kerana ada banyak kawan-kawan di sekolah ini. Saya tidak dikena buli selepas sekolah tadika itu.
Hobi saya adalah travel. Kalau ada rezeki, saya hendak pergi ke Maldives. Dalam Malaysia, saya sudah pergi ke Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Johor, Pulau Pinang. Saya suka pergi ke tempat yang ada pulau. Selain daripada travel, saya suka menunggang basikal.
Saya suka belajar subjek sains, BM, BI, Seni. Waktu saya belajar di sekolah sebelum sekolah ini, saya suka menari tarian India dan Hollywood. Tapi, sekarang saya tidak menari jadi badan saya sudah keras. Saya juga main sports Goalball. Bola itu kami main dengan satu loceng. Kami mesti tutup mata. Tempat goal ada dua, dan mesti ada 3 orang di hadapan kedua-dua gol itu
Cita-cita saya adalah untuk menjadi seorang cikgu tadika Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak. Insyallah, saya boleh menjadi seorang cikgu di Terengganu, di mana saya berasal. Saya minat menjadi seorang cikgu kerana saya suka kanak-kanak. Saya rapat dengan keluarga, terutamanya dengan Mak saya. Semasa Hari Raya, saya akan menolong Mak saya membuat kek dan kuih. Saya boleh masak sup, ayam masak merah, dan ikan singgang.
Saya harap orang yang membaca cerita mengingat untuk jangan membuli orang lain kerana membuli akan membuat orang sakit hati.
In partnership with Digi’s Yellow Heart Campaign, Humans of Kuala Lumpur visited two special needs school at Shah Alam and Setapak. The Yellow Heart campaign aims digitally empower marginalised communities towards reducing inequalities and for this year, the HOKL team conducted 10 photo and video stories on students focusing on mental health and bullying. For more information please visit
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